WLC 101 – Health Promotion I (3 credits)
This first part of the course focuses on the relationship between a person and achieving wellness based on mind-body communications in maintaining wellness, managing stress and mental health, eating and exercising toward a healthy lifestyle. It is important to understand the building healthy relationships, understanding and preventing disease.
WLC 102 – Health Promotion II (3 credits)
This second part of the course focuses on how to reduce infections and build immunity through the wisdom of health promote knowledge in the prevention of infectious microorganisms, understanding cancer risks and means of prevention, understanding cardiovascular diseases risks and measure of prevention, heredity and disease, explaining drugs use and abuse (what is drug?, drug laws, how drug work), eliminating tobacco use, using alcohol responsibility, accident and injury and overcoming obstacles.
WLC 103 – Introduction to Anatomy & Physiology (4 credits)
This course introduces the human body and goes into detail with cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Describes the basic human body parts and their functions in the life process. How important the human body is which consists of cells, tissues, organs, and system that play a significant role in the structures and functions of each major system of the human body.
WLC 104 – Healthy Digestion (4 credits)
This course focuses on common gastrointestinal disorders as well as other conditions that effects human health based on update research advances in testing and diagnose, nutrition, and natural therapies. In addition, learn how unhealthy digestion can affect the human body systemically, from migraines, and skin problems to fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and other related health problems.
WLC 105 – Restoring Energy & Vitality (4 credits)
This course explores the thoughts, emotions, lifestyle, beliefs and actions and their relationship to approach illness and health. The aim of this course guides a person on how to listen to your body, based on holistic and healing guideline by integrating restoration health. Understanding all these essential components such as diet, exercise, stress managing is essential in the improvement health and energy vitality.
WLC 106 – Nutrition & Wellness (4 credits)
This course addresses on fundamentals of nutrition such as the relationship of nutrition and health, planning a healthy diet, digestion, absorption, and metabolism, (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water), and achieving health through good nutrition. For instance, foodborne illnesses and allergies, nutrition during pregnancy and lactation, nutrition during infancy, nutrition for children and adolescents, nutrition during young and middle adulthood, nutrition during late adulthood, and weight management throughout the life cycle.
WLC 107 – Business Skill & Communication (4 credits)
This course guides and covers the basic concept on how to start a business and explains all of the necessary issues that are required for a Natural Health Consultant such as schools, accreditation, credentials, legal issues, malpractice insurance, forms, assessment systems, marketing, compliance, appointment structuring, and other related issues.
Note: Each 4 credit course has a 10 week period to complete which includes three exams, assignments and a paper per course. 3 credit courses have an 8 week period to complete which includes three exams, assignments and a paper per course.